Presentazioni dello Studio sulla Psicoterapia Ambulatoriale in Svizzera (PAP- S)


Koemeda, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A., & Tschuschke, V.: Specificity and Pace Variability of Therapists’ Interventions under Naturalistic Conditions
Brief Paper Session, September 26th 2015
8th European Conference on Psychotherapy Research, September 24th – 26th 2015, Klagenfurt
Stand: Dez. 2015


20th EAP Congress for Psychotherapy, October 15.-18.,vilnius, Lithuania
Presentor: Schulthess P. Co-Authors: Tschuschke V., Crameri A., Koemeda-Lutz M., von Wyl A.: Therapy Outcome in a Naturalistic Outpatient Study Throughout Switzerland

7th WCP World Congress for Psychotherapy, 25.-29. August 2014, Durban, South Africa
Presentor: Tschuschke V. Co-authors: von Wyl A., Crameri A., Koemeda-Lutz M., Schulthess P.: The Role of Treatment Adherence in Psychotherapy

Presentor: P. Schulthess, Co-authors: Crameri A., Koemeda-Lutz M., von Wyl A., Tschuschke V.: The Importance pf Psychotherapist with Regard to Treatment Outcome

17th Worldcongress of the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry 14.-17. May 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia
Presentor: Tschuschke V. Co-authors: von Wyl A., Crameri A., Koemeda-Lutz M., Schulthess P.: How specific is Psychotherapy? Complex Relationships Between Specific and Common Therapeutic Factors

21th IFP World Congress of Psychotherapy, 9.-11. May 2014, Shanghai, China
Presentor: Schulthess P. Co-authors: Crameri A., Koemeda-Lutz M., von Wyl A., Tschuschke V.: The Importance of Psychotherapists with Regard to Treatment Outcome

EAGT Educational Seminar: Research in Gestalt Therapy, 2.-4.May, Rome, Italy
Presentor: Schulthess, P.: Co-authors: Tschuschke V., Koemeda-Lutz M., von Wyl A., Crameri A.: Comparative Naturalistic Study on Outpatient Psychotherapeutic Treatments including Gestalt Therapy


European Conference on Data Analysis, July 10-12, Luxemburg
Crameri, von Wyl A, Tschuschke V, Koemeda M and Schulthess P: Multiple Imputation in the Evaluation of Psychotherapy Outcome


AGHPT-Kongress 12.-13.10.2012, Berlin
Tschuschke, V. Die Fehlentwicklungen in der derzeitigen Psychotherapieforschung.

43th Annual Meeting of the Sociaty for Psychotherapy Research (SPR), Virginia Beach/USA, 20.-23.06.2012
Blawath S, von Wyl A, Koemeda M, Schulthess P, Crameri A, Tschuschke V (2012) Gender aspects of treatment interventions and outcome: Gender of patients and their therapists, inter-vention styles, and treatment outcomes (results from the Swiss PAP-S-Study II
Crameri A, Koemeda M, Tschuschke V, von Wyl A, Schulthess P (2012) Multiple imputation of longitudinal data in process-outcome research.
Tschuschke V, von Wyl A, Koemeda M, Schulthess P, Crameri A, Blawath S, Berglar J (2012) Tretament fidelity and outcome: Results from the Swiss PAP-S-Study I.


6. WCP World Congress for Psychotherapy, Sydney 24.-28.8 2011
Peter Schulthess, Volker Tschuschke, Margit Koemeda, Agnes von Wyl, Aureliano Crameri, Margit Koehler, Katharina Muth, Jessica Mallmann-Berglar, Pia Pulte-Staczan, Antonia Roth-Ehrang: Treatment Adherence and Outcome

42nd International SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) Meeting in Bern, June 29th – July 2nd 2011
Koemeda-Lutz M, Tschuschke V, von Wyl A, Crameri A, Koehler M, Muth K, Mallmann, J, Pulte P, Roth-Ehrang A & Schulthess P: Treatment Adherence and Treatment Outcome.


12th EABP Congress of Body-Psychotherapy, „Body Mind Relationship, 29.10. – 1.11.2010, Wien:
Koemeda-Lutz M: Zwei naturalistische prospektive Studien zur Wirksamkeit von Körperpsychotherapien: EWAK und PAP-S

20th IFP-World Congess of Psychotherapy, Luzern/Schweiz 16.-19.06.2010:
Crameri A, Tschuschke V, Weber R, Koemeda M, Schulthess P, von Wyl A (2010) Alliance prediction of outcome change in outpatient psychotherapy.
Tschuschke V, Crameri A, Koemeda M, Schulthess P, von Wyl A, Weber R, Ahn M, Köhler M, Muth K, Mallmann J, Roth-Ehrang A, Schulte-Kreutz V (2010) Treatment adherence and outcome in psychotherapy – first results from the PAP-S-Study.
Tschuschke V, Crameri A, Koemeda M, Schulthess P, von Wyl A, Weber R (2010) Towards the necessity of process-outcome research – Examples from current and recent studies. 20th IFP-World Congess of Psychotherapy, Luzern/Schweiz 16.-19.06.2010


9th EAGT conference in Athens 6.-9. September
Schulthess P: Comparative study on Effectiveness of Psychotherapy in natural practice-environment